Me and the chief Geronco of Yanomami tribe. Deep in the Brazilian amazon jungle, where I lived for 3 weeks with the Yanomami.  I had the opportunity to attend and participate (dances, songs, hunting, shamanism) at the traditional Yanomami funeral ri
  I adore black and white photos.. you can't hide behind colors.. nothing stays hidden.. everything is revealed..   Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo Location - Argentina
 Amazon Jungle, Brazil  Photo by - Antonio Clever
 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina
 “The Last Outlaw” (Bolivia) This was a 4 day journey on a horseback to the oldest town in Bolivia - Talina. Surrounded by dust of true stories and myths of the most famous outlaws in American History - Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid... I lived f
 Sitting near 12.500 year old! (read that again) cave paintings in the remote jungles of Colombia, where there’s virtually no tourism. This area of Colombia was once FARC nest. (Paramilitaries of Colombia)
 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina
 Racing through the biggest wetland in the world with local cowboys. Pantanal, Brazil
 35th Birthday in Atacama desert, Chile  Photo by Karl Huber
 French Guiana.   “Devil’s Island”    On the devil’s island I will wait for thee,  He will hear my call across the seas... The winds will carry me to him, He would die himself, but rescue me....  Come here and take my hand, lets dance in eternity of
 Atacama desert, Chile
 Devils Island prison, French Guiana
 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi    Location - Argentina
 Self-portrait in Bolivia
 abandoned theatre in Atacama desert, Chile
 Bolivia desert
 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi   Location - Argentina
 Photographer - Fernando Duvene       Location - Argentina
 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi      Location - Argentina
 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina
 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina
  Ability to live in front of the camera, instead of posing for it is true Art. Some women train their bodies at the gym, others train different "muscles"... You are what you train. I have the ability to go from laughter to tears in a matter of coupl
 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi       Location - Argentina
 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi      Location - Argentina
 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina
 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi Location - Argentina
 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina
 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina
 Me and the chief Geronco of Yanomami tribe. Deep in the Brazilian amazon jungle, where I lived for 3 weeks with the Yanomami.  I had the opportunity to attend and participate (dances, songs, hunting, shamanism) at the traditional Yanomami funeral ri

Me and the chief Geronco of Yanomami tribe. Deep in the Brazilian amazon jungle, where I lived for 3 weeks with the Yanomami.

I had the opportunity to attend and participate (dances, songs, hunting, shamanism) at the traditional Yanomami funeral ritual, where at the end of the ritual, Yanomami Indians mix remains and crushed into ashes bones of the deceased with porridge made of bananas and then drink this porridge. (I have not tried the porridge, because I didn’t know the person)

Tried "Parica" (yopo) with men, women usually not allowed to do Parica.

This was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. And I am forever part of this tribe and they are forever part of me.

Жизнь с индейцами Яномами.

прожила 3 недели с индейцами Яномами...

Имела возможность присутствовать и участвовать (танцы, песни, охота, шаманизм) на ритуале похорон Яномами, где под конец ритуала индейцы смешивают прах и раздробленные в пепел кости умершего в каше из бананов и воды и потом выпивают эту кашу. (кашу я не пробовала))

Пробовала «Парика» с мужчинами.. женщинам обычно не разрешается...

Я была в «красной зоне» где в племени из примерно 100 человек у 99% Малярия.. у меня нет ее. Это приключение я не забуду никогда. Одни из самых сложных и красочных дней за всю жизнь.

На фото - я с вождем этого племени.

  I adore black and white photos.. you can't hide behind colors.. nothing stays hidden.. everything is revealed..   Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo Location - Argentina

I adore black and white photos.. you can't hide behind colors.. nothing stays hidden.. everything is revealed..

Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo Location - Argentina

 Amazon Jungle, Brazil  Photo by - Antonio Clever

Amazon Jungle, Brazil

Photo by - Antonio Clever

 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

 “The Last Outlaw” (Bolivia) This was a 4 day journey on a horseback to the oldest town in Bolivia - Talina. Surrounded by dust of true stories and myths of the most famous outlaws in American History - Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid... I lived f

“The Last Outlaw” (Bolivia) This was a 4 day journey on a horseback to the oldest town in Bolivia - Talina. Surrounded by dust of true stories and myths of the most famous outlaws in American History - Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid... I lived for a bit in a fazenda, that once belonged to Avelino Aramayo - Very wealthy Bolivian baron. He was also robbed at some point by those famous outlaws. There are many myths about the deaths of those famous bandits and many believe, that actually they were not killed here in Bolivia, but were able to escape.

 Sitting near 12.500 year old! (read that again) cave paintings in the remote jungles of Colombia, where there’s virtually no tourism. This area of Colombia was once FARC nest. (Paramilitaries of Colombia)

Sitting near 12.500 year old! (read that again) cave paintings in the remote jungles of Colombia, where there’s virtually no tourism. This area of Colombia was once FARC nest. (Paramilitaries of Colombia)

 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

 Racing through the biggest wetland in the world with local cowboys. Pantanal, Brazil

Racing through the biggest wetland in the world with local cowboys. Pantanal, Brazil







 35th Birthday in Atacama desert, Chile  Photo by Karl Huber

35th Birthday in Atacama desert, Chile

Photo by Karl Huber







 French Guiana.   “Devil’s Island”    On the devil’s island I will wait for thee,  He will hear my call across the seas... The winds will carry me to him, He would die himself, but rescue me....  Come here and take my hand, lets dance in eternity of

French Guiana.

“Devil’s Island”

On the devil’s island I will wait for thee,
He will hear my call across the seas...
The winds will carry me to him, He would die himself, but rescue me....

Come here and take my hand, lets dance in eternity of these sands.
Drink the rum and me, feast on our lust with passion,
Unchain yourself from this world, in a raw and wild fashion..

Steal the keys from the ravens claws,
Then come to my cell and destroy all locks and laws. .

Clutch my veins with all your soul,
One more breath before the dawn,
One step closer towards the fall...
Here, we shall reign with Apollyon....

© Elena Levon. May 12 2018, Devils Island prison, French Guiana..

 Atacama desert, Chile

Atacama desert, Chile

 Devils Island prison, French Guiana

Devils Island prison, French Guiana

 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi    Location - Argentina

Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi    Location - Argentina



 Self-portrait in Bolivia

Self-portrait in Bolivia

 abandoned theatre in Atacama desert, Chile

abandoned theatre in Atacama desert, Chile

 Bolivia desert

Bolivia desert

 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi   Location - Argentina

Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi   Location - Argentina

 Photographer - Fernando Duvene       Location - Argentina

Photographer - Fernando Duvene       Location - Argentina

 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi      Location - Argentina

Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi      Location - Argentina

 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

  Ability to live in front of the camera, instead of posing for it is true Art. Some women train their bodies at the gym, others train different "muscles"... You are what you train. I have the ability to go from laughter to tears in a matter of coupl

Ability to live in front of the camera, instead of posing for it is true Art. Some women train their bodies at the gym, others train different "muscles"... You are what you train. I have the ability to go from laughter to tears in a matter of couple of minutes... From extreme happiness to profound sadness and everything in between.

Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina 2014

 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi       Location - Argentina

Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi       Location - Argentina

 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi      Location - Argentina

Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi      Location - Argentina

 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

 Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi Location - Argentina

Photographer - Horacio Di Renzi Location - Argentina

 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

 Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina

Photographer - Jeronimo Cerimedo       Location - Argentina